No reputable business can operate without a significant online presence to connect and convey their message to customers/clients and numerous other parties. Building a high quality foreign language website(s) is crucial to globalizing and reaching lucrative markets across the world. Language support is therefore crucial to any website that has the aim of reaching an audience beyond the confines of its country of origin. Communicating a business mission statement that maintains the sentiments of the original is the name of the game. Website translation enables this, allowing you to reach out and communicate with the target market that you want to communicate with and have them fully understand what it is you want to convey.


Moving in on International Profits

Figures tend to vary according to the source, but a rough estimate of 50% of Internet users speaks a language that isn’t English. Chinese is the other main language spoken with 400 million speakers, and Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, German and Arabic also command places in the top ten most spoken languages on the web. It’s not hard to imagine how speakers of the aforementioned languages can add a massive boost to your web traffic. Converting a website into these languages will maximize your company’s visibility on the Internet.

It is no longer an option therefore to produce websites in English alone for any business with global ambitions. The majority of companies’ profits in countless industries in fact come from international sales, and the economies of developing countries like China, India and Brazil are prospering far better than many of the more familiar ones in the western world. Companies couldn’t obtain these levels of sales without the help of website translation.

Website translation is, however, about far more than the converting a site’s text literally in a basic word-to word manner. All the details and sentiments of course have to be kept to a level of the utmost accuracy, yet at the same time the text has to be tailored exactly to suit the target audience. This will take into account everything to scrutinizing references to check whether they are appropriate for said market, to encompassing the unique linguistically and cultural nuances of that language. 


Localization is a key part of customizing a website for a particular audience down to the finest detail. These include practical aspects like character encoding and number formats along with the more creative side of things such as colors and images.

As time consuming and wide-ranging as the entire process of website translation, the key principles are thus simple. The aim is to communicate with foreign markets and have them identify with your business. The method is to shape the text of a website for that specific audience as well as all other factors of a website that will affect a web user’s openness to a brand if they don’t realize it.

10/23/2017 04:20:31 am

Lexicon services back our clients up with plethora of financial sector, insurance translation and financial translation services with skilled financial abilities.


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